The 12 best guacamole recipes in New Zealand

There’s no better, simpler way to enjoy fresh avocado than in guacamole. It’s a perfect all-year dip, offering something hearty and filling for winter, and green and salady for summer.

Whether you’re planning to serve it in a bowl surrounded by chips or lather it on toast for breakfast, there’s a recipe for you.

We’ve gathered the 12 best guacamoles in New Zealand right here. So all you need is a couple of creamy avocados.

Did you know you can buy avocados online right here at Avocado Avenue?

Recipes in this article:

  1. Authentic guacamole

  2. Classic easy guacamole

  3. Four-ingredient guacamole

  4. Guacamole for one

  5. Chunky guacamole

  6. Kiwifruit guacamole

  7. Spicy guacamole

  8. Keto guacamole

  9. Grilled guacamole

  10. Salsa verde guacamole

  11. Avocado and bacon cream cheese dip

  12. Creamy guasacaca


Quick tips for beginners

Peeling an avocado and removing the stone

Each of our guac recipes below will require you to peel the fruit and remove the stone. You can do this safely and easily with a butter knife.

To remove the stone, cut through the avocado from tip to bottom, then twist the two halves so they come apart. The stone will remain in one half. Next, firmly hold the avocado half with the stone in your palm so you have a good grip, then take your knife and hit the stone with the blade – it should become embedded in the stone. Now you can twist the knife and to remove the stone.

To peel the skin, simply cut the two halves into quarters and remove with your fingers. Alternatively, you can scoop the flesh out with a spoon.

Mashing avocado

Throughout this article we suggest using a fork to mash your avo. However, some people find their potato masher works well. Others use a food processor. Experiment with a few methods and find the one you like.

Working with peppers

Guacamole can be spicy, as it can include peppers of some kind (jalapeno is common). When working with pepper, remember that the bulk of the spice comes from the seeds and the veins inside the pepper. So, if you want to cut the spice without losing the flavour, deseed and core the pepper before adding to your mixture. Just try not to get the oil on your hands and spread it around (and don’t touch your eyes!).

Don’t like spice at all? Often, spicy peppers can be replaced with a humble capsicum in similar quantities. You will lose some of the flavour, but you’ll keep the crunch and you won’t have the same kick.

Avocados ready for Guacamole

Recipe #1: Authentic Guacamole

Let’s start with an authentic guacamole from Mexican Food Journal. This is an easy recipe to begin with and will get you practicing the recipe technique and tasting the flavours so you can expand on it all later with a wider variety of ingredients. Pretty soon you won’t even need a recipe at all.

You will need:

  • 3 avocados, ripe

  • ¾ C tomatoes, finely chopped

  • 3 tbsp onion, finely chopped

  • 3 tbsp coriander, finely chopped

  • 2 serrano or jalapeno peppers, finely chopped

  • ¾ tsp salt, or to taste


Add the avocado, with stone and skin removed, to a large bowl and mash it with a fork. Unless you want a chunky guac (which we have a recipe for below), make sure to mash well.

Next add the remaining ingredients and incorporate evenly with your fork. Give it a little taste to see how you feel, then add a pinch of salt. Keep tasting and adding salt until you are happy with the flavour.

Serve immediately. Guac is best fresh!

Recipe #2: Classic Easy Guacamole

Now that we’ve mastered an authentic Mexican guac, it’s time to add a few extra ingredients and experience what a modern, classic take on this Aztec classic is like. This simple guacamole recipe from Evolving Table is very similar to our authentic recipe above, but adds a few key new ingredients

You will need:

  • 4 avocados, ripe

  • ¼ C onion, finely chopped

  • ½ C tomato, finely chopped

  • ¼ C coriander, finely chopped

  • 1 tbsp fresh lime juice

  • Spices:

    • ½ tsp cumin

    • ¼ tsp paprika

    • ¼ tsp garlic powder

    • ¼ tsp black pepper

    • ¾ tsp salt, or to taste


Stone and peel your avocados, chop them into quarters (or smaller, if preferred) and add to a large bowl. Drizzle over lime juice.

Take your fork and mash your avocados, making sure to mash out all the chunks unless you want them in there.

Add all your spices - cumin, paprika, garlic powder, back pepper and salt - stirring to get it evenly mixed. Give it a taste to make sure you’re happy with the flavour, adding more salt if desired.

Now toss in the rest of your ingredients (tomato, coriander, onion) and mix these too so you have a nice, creamy dip.

Recipe #3: Four-ingredient guacamole

On a budget – or just appreciate simplicity? We get it. So, we found this excellent four-ingredient guac recipe from 4 Ingredients that cuts out all the excess and keeps things easy.

You will need:

  • 1 avocado, ripe and extra-large if possible (you may wish to substitute with two small avocados)

  • 1 tomato, finely chopped

  • Half a red onion, finely chopped

  • 3 tbsp coriander, finely chopped

Note: While not on the ingredients list, you may wish to keep salt on hand just in case. Salt is excellent at bringing flavours together and often fills the hole when your tongue tells you, “Something’s missing, but I can’t figure out what.” Black pepper can also be added for a little extra seasoning.


Toss all four of your ingredients into a large bowl and mix well. This will create a chunky guacamole. If that’s not your thing, add the avocado first and mash with a fork before adding and mixing the rest of the ingredients.

Taste your guac. If required, add a dash of salt and black pepper.

Image sourced from 4 Ingredients

Image sourced from 4 Ingredients

Recipe #4: Guacamole for one

Guacamole is a great party food, and most of the recipes you’ll find (including the ones we’ve got here) are typically designed to serve four or more people in a big dipping bowl. But sometimes the need for guac hits when you’re home by yourself. Avocados should be enjoyed any way you like, with any number of people! So, let’s get you going with a guacamole for one recipe from One Dish Kitchen.

You will need:

  • 1 avocado, ripe, medium size

  • 1 tbsp fresh lime juice

  • 1 tbsp red onion, finely chopped

  • 1 garlic clove, finely minced

  • ⅛ tsp jalapeno, finely chopped

  • ¼ tsp salt, or to taste


As with all guacamole, first remove the stone and skin of the avocado, then cut it into pieces - quarters will do.

Mash the avocado with your fork until it gets to the consistency you enjoy, whether smooth and creamy or chunky with a bit of heart.

Add your remaining ingredients and mix well, to incorporate evenly. Make sure to taste, as you may need to adjust both the jalapeno and salt to get the flavour just how you like it.

Recipe #5: Chunky guacamole

Rounding out our top five easy guacamole recipes for beginners, this chunky guac from Kiwi icon Annabel Langbein makes for a plentiful snack, or a gorgeous green centrepiece at your next potluck.

You will need:

  • 3 avocados, ripe

  • ¼ C fresh lemon juice

  • 1 tomato, large if possible, diced

  • 1 spring onion, chopped

  • 1 tbsp coriander, finely chopped

  • 1 garlic clove, finely minced or crushed

  • ½ tsp red chilli, finely chopped

  • Salt and black pepper to taste


Remove stone and skin from your avocados and chop them into pieces, adding these to a large bowl. Mash them a little with a fork, but don’t mash them until totally smooth or else you will have a less-chunky guacamole. 

Pop in all the other ingredients, reserving a small amount of coriander and the green part of the spring onion for a garnish. Mix everything well to combine, adding salt and pepper as necessary to get the flavour you desire.

When serving, add the remaining coriander and spring onion to the top.

Note: For a more or less chunky guacamole, chop your tomatoes, onion and chilli into smaller or larger pieces. You can also get a very chunky by dicing your avocado instead of mashing.


Now for a few guacamole twists

If you’ve mastered even one of the above guac recipes, you’ve got what it takes to start experimenting. Guacamole is simple once you know the basics; it’s just a case of adding more or less of the ingredients you like, and you can put almost anything that would work in a salad in a guac!

Almost all of the recipes we’re about to explore have been built from the same standard guac template, and we recommend skipping through a few to see how other chefs have twisted this classic tale to make a gorgeous new flavour.

Recipe #6: Kiwifruit guacamole

We wouldn’t be a New Zealand avocado orchard if we didn’t include at least one guacamole recipe with a Kiwi twist. In this recipe, from A Kitchen Hoor’s Adventures, we’re adding a sweet little treat to a typical guac with kiwifruit.

You will need:

  • 1 avocado, ripe (the recipe calls for about 1 C’s worth of diced avo)

  • 1 C kiwifruit

  • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice

  • ½ C tomato, diced

  • ¼ cup red onion, finely chopped

  • 1 tbsp jalapeno, finely chopped

  • Spices:

    • 1 tsp chili powder

    • 1 tsp cumin

    • 1 tsp crushed garlic

    • Salt and pepper to taste


Start by peeling both your avocado and kiwifruit, and removing the stone from your avo. Now dice up both, ready for mashing.

You can probably guess the next step! Using your fork, mash together the kiwifruit and avocado until they reach your preferred texture - this recipe works well with a little chunkiness left in these two ingredients.

Next, stir in the tomato, jalapeno and red onion, mixing well. From here, we’re going to flavour the guac with our spices - chili, cumin, garlic - and then our lime juice. Add one tablespoon of lime first and taste to ensure you’re happy, then at the second if desired. Finish it off with salt and black pepper, both to taste.

Note: Both green and yellow kiwifruit would work in this recipe. If you don’t care for kiwi but still want that extra sweetness, some people add mango to their guacamole!

Recipe #7: Spicy guacamole

Most of our guacamole recipes so far have had an element of spice - added typically by jalapeno peppers, either seeded or otherwise. However, if spice is your thing then this recipe from The Forkling will kick it up a notch! Just make sure to tell anyone else who tries it that you’ve added some extra heat.

You will need:

  • 2 avocados, large if possible, ripe (three smaller avos will do in a pinch)

  • 3 cloves garlic, finely minced

  • ½ onion, medium size, finely chopped

  • 1 tomato, large, finely chopped

  • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice

  • Peppers and spice:

    • 1 jalapeno pepper

    • 1 habanero pepper

    • ½ tsp cayenne pepper

    • ½ tsp cumin

    • ½ tsp salt, or to taste


First, you’ll need to tackle your peppers. At minimum they’ll need to be finely chopped, however you may choose to remove the seeds and veins.

Now onto the guac itself. Into a large bowl add the tomato, onion and garlic. Then, mix in the peppers - whether with seeds or without.

Next is avocado time. Remove the skin and stone from each of your avocados, chop them up into cubes, and add to the mixture. Use a fork to stir it all around and mash the avocado into a creamy texture. Mash a little less if you want the chunks.

Finish it off by stirring in the lime juice, then the cumin, cayenne pepper and salt - tasting to ensure you’re satisfied.

Recipe #8: Keto guacamole

Given the fat and protein content of avocado, most guacamole will suit someone on a keto diet. That said, we’re always open to new guacamole recipe ideas and this one, from That Low Carb Life, adds an extra level of creaminess that is simply divine.

You will need:

  • 4 avocados, large if possible, ripe

  • 1 tbsp fresh lime juice

  • 1 tomato, diced

  • ½ red onion, diced

  • 1 jalapeno pepper, finely chopped

  • ¼ C coriander, finely chopped

  • 1 clove garlic, finely minced

  • 1 tsp cumin

  • 2 tbsp sour cream

  • Salt to taste

Begin by preparing your avocado for mashing - cutting in half, removing the stone and skin, and then cutting again into the desired size of chunk. Quarters will do, but smaller may be easier to mash for you personally. Add the avo to a large bowl and mash up with a fork.

Next, stir in the sour cream. This is going to add an extra smooth, creamy texture to the guac and a touch extra heartiness.

From here, we’re going to add more or less everything else. First stir in your tomato and onion. Next, add half the jalapeno pepper (with seeds and veins removed). Stir in also your coriander and garlic.

Finally, mix in the last ingredients - lime juice first, then cumin and salt. Make sure to taste regularly at this point, so you can get the balance of lime, salt and spice. You may also choose to add the rest of the jalapeno.

Recipe #9: Grilled guacamole

Nothing says New Zealand summer more than a bbq and great weather, and this grilled guacamole recipe, from Instrupix, could very well be the showstopper you need to show off at your family barbie. While the recipe is very similar to a classic guac, the change in method adds a smokey, caramelised flavour that you just can’t get any other way.

You will need:

  • 4 avocados, ripe

  • 1 red onion, chopped into rings

  • 2 tomatoes, chopped in half

  • 1 jalapeno, large

  • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice

  • ½ tsp garlic powder

  • ¼ tsp cumin

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Olive oil for grilling


Let’s start by getting your grill on and warming up. While that happens, cut your avocados in half and remove the stone - we’ll keep the skins for now.

The first thing we’re going to cook is the avocado, so brush each one with olive oil (just the flesh, not the skin) and place them face down on the grill for about five minutes or until they have good grill marks. Remove and let cool. 

Next, brush your onion rings, tomatoes and jalapeno with oil and get them grilling. It’ll take around five minutes for all three to finish, although the tomatoes will grill the quickest - so keep an eye on them, as they may only take a couple of minutes. Remove and let cool.

When all of the above have cooled to room temperature, it’s time to make the guac.

First, chop all of the veggies and add them to a large bowl. If you want a chunky guac then leave them chunky, otherwise finely dice. Next cut your avocados in half and peel off the skin, adding the flesh to the bowl - mashing with a fork.

Pour over the lime juice and mix through, then finish with the garlic, cumin and salt for seasoning. Taste to ensure you are happy, and add more seasoning if required.

Note: The recipe doesn’t include coriander, but you can add it in after mashing the avocado if desired. 

Image sourced from Intrupix

Image sourced from Intrupix

Recipe #10: Salsa verde guacamole

This is a slightly fancy guacamole from Together as Family, combining a traditional guac with the extra herby punch of salsa verde. Now, you can get a few different types of salsa verde, and to be honest, pretty much any of them will work well in this mixture! If you’re not sure, start with a Mexican salsa verde then experiment and find which others you like best.

You will need:

  • 3 avocados, ripe

  • 1 tbsp fresh lime juice

  • 2 tomatoes, finely chopped

  • 2 tbsp red onion, finely chopped

  • 2 tbsp coriander, finely chopped

  • 3 tbsp salsa verde

  • Half a jalapeno, finely chopped

  • ½ tsp garlic powder

  • ½ tsp salt, or to taste


To start you’ll need to prepare your avocados by removing the stone and skin. Then, dice up and combine with lime juice, salt and garlic powder, using a fork to mash them all together. At this point you may wish to have a quick taste, to ensure you have the right levels of seasoning.

Add the remaining ingredients to the same mixture, once again mixing together. The more you mash, the smoother the texture, so if you want a chunkier guac then mash a little less, or chop your veggies a little less finely.

Season with more salt if desired.

Unique guacamole-inspired recipes

We’re going to finish with two slightly different recipes that are inspired by guacamole!

Recipe #11: Avocado and bacon cream cheese dip

Worried someone else is thinking of bringing a guacamole to dinner? One-up them with this guac-like dip from Great Grub, Delicious Treats. It uses many of the same ingredients as a regular guac, with a few twists to make it new.

You will need:

  • 3 avocados, large if possible, ripe

  • 2 C cream cheese

  • Approx. 400-450g bacon

  • 2 C cheese, shredded (the recipe uses 1 C cheddar and 1 C Peppered Monteray Jack, but you can substitute with whatever you have available)

  • ½ C jalapeno, finely chopped

  • ½ C spring onion, finely chopped

  • ½ C coriander, coarsely chopped

  • ¼ C red onion, finely chopped

  • 1 tsp garlic salt

  • ½ tsp Cajun seasoning

  • ½ tsp black pepper

  • 1 tsp fresh lime juice


We need to cook the bacon first, so start by frying or grilling your bacon until it’s nice and crispy. Let it cool, then crumble it up.

Now grab a large mixing bowl and beat the cream cheese for around 2-3 minutes until creamy. Add the crumbled bacon and all the remaining ingredients and stir together to incorporate. As with all guac recipes, you can make your dip more or less chunky by chopping your ingredients into larger or smaller pieces.

Next is avocado time. Remove the stone and skin then dice the avocado flesh into cubes. Gently stir into the mixture for a chunky dip, or mash for a smoother consistency.

Recipe #12: Creamy guasacasa

Guasacaca, sometimes written as wasakaka (which is how you pronounce the word), is a Venezuelan guacamole-like dipping sauce. The recipe, this one from Chilli Pepper Madness, uses the same ingredients as a guacamole, adding a few more to change the texture a little - perfect as a garnish with a barbecue or grill, served as a sauce on hot dogs and empanadas, or used as a dipping sauce.

You will need:

  • 2 avocados, ripe

  • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice

  • 2 jalapenos, finely chopped

  • 1 small onion, finely chopped (a shallot would also work)

  • 3 cloves garlic

  • ¼ C coriander, finely chopped

  • ¼ C parsley, finely chopped

  • ¼ C white vinegar

  • ¼ C olive oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste


This recipe can be hand-mashed like any guac, however the original from Chilli Pepper Madness calls for the use of a food processor to ensure a smooth consistency.

First, remove the stone and skin from your avocado and chop them up so they can fit into your food processor (or a large bowl). Top with everything else except the olive oil and salt.

Blend or hand-mash until the mixture is reasonably smooth. Now, start mixing again but this time add a little olive oil every so often to increase its smooth texture. It should feel thick and creamy.

The last thing to do is add salt and black pepper as desired.

Where to buy organic avocados

Here at Avocado Avenue, our fresh, hand-picked fruit is grown without artificial pesticides or fertilisers, giving us big, gorgeous avocados.

Even better, now you can experiment with these guacamole recipes yourself using the absolute freshest produce possible by buying our avocados online. We’ll pick them right off the tree and send them to your door, no cold storage needed, no bashing them about on the way to a supermarket – just fresh avocados, from our trees to your kitchen.


7 health benefits of avocado, according to science